Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ok peoplee
again n finally my blog is updated after lots of pemerlian oleh anda semuaa
xtau la apsl ttibe bermood nak update blog
igtkn nak deletae je account ni
srry la kengkawan
gue seorng yg berm00d n sangatlah pemalas dalam pelbagai segi
so kne tnggu mood tu dtg la bru nak update blog
nak start frm mne eh??
so many things happen before this 1 month
well its a new year dah
azam baru
mmmmm banyak kot
nnt la i gtau u all k?? ahaks!
4 now just to let u guys know that
i'm so0o happy now!!!
is more than enough kot
so guyss..
be happy 4 me 2 k??

p/s: aina musyuk yg pilih font niee..apsl die suke sgt font ni pon xtau laa..mcm font type writer je aku tgk..oldskool tol makcik nih..jgn marah yooo!


miss AinA~ said...

makcik...~~ lawa pe..? kan..? at least mo0d kamu naik da lepas kamu tgk font mcm nih..~ xgitu...? kan2...?

muNNa said...

tros naik..smpai kat kepale..rse mcm tros nak mlompat toink3~~!