Monday, October 5, 2009


pagi inii..sangat indahhhh..heheee~
get up soo early kot 2 siapkn logbook..
muna silelah kurangkn aktiviti bfoye2 n lagha andaa..farah..xnk join ke?? ehheee~
drank a glass of milk just to fill my small tummy yg bising kelaparan..
then went to sumbit logbook to supervisor..dont now why but somehow mood Dr.Yap tsgt2 la baik kn dis morning..SUKE SUKE SUKE!!! siap btepuk tampar..i luv u la Dr.Yap..muahxxx! hihihiiiii~

then went to putrajayaaa..
had a car race with mini cooperrrr secare xsgaje..ape kes kan pg2 dah racing nii..but sadly i lost..buwekkkk!!!! xcool la kn if swift win over mini mini cooper tu biru laaa..nak merah..hukhukk! n da no plate is not 8888 pon..guguuuuu~ tp guy yg dlm keta tu mcm ade instict je how im into mini cooper kn amazing~~ life is beautiful la wa ckp lu..

had a new york cheese cake 4 my break1st..klo xgemok..pls la blaming my hormon k!! not me! the cashier guy puji my selendang..he said my shawl is so lovely..dlm hati i was like..brader..xkn shawl jee..orgnyee??? tup2 pastu die pon tros ckp..tuan tudung pon lovely jgkkk..ayyoooo! klo bole lompat nk je lompat tinggi2 tym tu..but behaveeee munaaa..heheee~

finally...guysss!! im sure korng msti suke dgr broken heart is totally FIXEDDDD!! yehhuuuuuuuu~!!! thanx to you..n u 2..n u of cosss..arghhhh!! dont u ged ittt!!! yes YOUUUUU!!! nananananaaaaaa~



adila02 said...

eh.. muna ade blog??

hoho.. bru tau.

gf tyson ritter said...

mcm tau je sape!
heeee. sukanye u happy.
i lap u babe ;p

muNNa said...

adila---ye adila..aku ade xheboh2 sgt pon..aku kn low profile..hihihiiii~

gf tyson: sapew2?? hahaaa..pandai2 je u eh..u lap me?? i mop u 2 la dalingg~! muahxxxx!

p/s: tyson sehat x? mcm xjd je concert die ni..huhuuuuh~

kid said...

FIXED already meyh? sape2 is it me? me? me? sape kalo bukan i? story mory la beb!

muNNa said...

ayyooo..must be a guy ke bru my heart is fixed?? what if its a gurll?? hahaahaaa..

so i guess u knw da answer already daling! hihihiiii~