Saturday, April 18, 2009

there can be miracle..when you believee..*wink2*

congrats to all unitenianss..
smlm dah dpt results knn..hahaaa
i'm sure korang sume msti tgh berhappy-happyan( me 2 tau)
maka marilah melompat dgn lebih tinggii..yehhuuuu!!!
we deserve it..yeahh!!
so far so good..
all of my closes fren meningkat pointer merekaa..
so people listed beloww..
be alert

mia familia(abah,mak,abang,abg cik,amy toek n nad senget)--> thanx 4 all da wishes..thanx 4 always believe in me eventough i'm not that good n feels like quiting..but u guys always motivate me to stand still n to be strong..I LOVE U GUYSS..MUAHHHXXX!

farah n hilmi--> mekaseh la kerna patient mengajar aku..bukan aku jeeee..yang lain2 jugak..thanx 2 hilmi 4 da klas..hehee..ko leh jd lecturer laa gnti en.suhaimii..farah plak jd hilmi's RA..i owe u guys so much..nak dpt deans list mcm korng gakk..huuu~congrats on ur result farahh..weee~

azie bling2 n farah bimb2-->my bestest gossip partner..wlaupun sem ni kte jarang stdy sme2..jarang bsame2..i ttp syg u all lebey..hehee..bcos u guys always there when i need the most..

naza n erin-->my second bestest gossip partner..kte stdy same2 kat coe foodcourt mcm nak gileee..hope u guys pnye result pon okk..hehee..

ainaa musyuk-->my gossip,shopping,cooking n eating partner..hahaa..most of all my housemate la knn..u help me a lot..kemas rumh..assgnment..bile i kelam kabut(slalu kan muna kelam kabut)..u calm me down..pau kredit..hahaa..shenkiu yehh..shenkiu jugak sbb kejut i tym exam..hiiii~

cikon kon-->housemate gua yg sgt slambee..bijak n always there 4 me bile i nak mbebel xpuas hati kat org lain..a good listener..i respect u a lot laa bcos u always being u..xheran pon org lain nak ckp apee..want 2 be a tetap pendirian gurl like u 2.

ilachubby-->shenkiu teman muna stdy sme2..hope ur result masyukkk!! thanx jugak sbb blikan muna break1st..hiii~

onnychubby-->eventough aku jarang togeda2 ngn ko..thanx 4 da wishess..rindu r bergossiping ngn koo..huuuu~

budak2 coe(nami,azan,zul,ayed,ros,dayang,herna,alip,bijan)-->kte stay up gilee vavveeee sdty kat coe foodcourt sme2 smpi kol 3 4 pg..hope our pengorbanan paid off is whatt..result ok kann..hhehee..

fwenss(capik,syud,din,ikie,tika,pokjak n others laaa..srry if tlupe)-->thanks 4 all da wishes

ehh..tlupe srg lg can i forgot u..the most n fore most special n my only onee..E..dis is for uu..

I want to tell you "Thank you,"
But it doesn’t seem enough
Words don’t seem sufficient
"Blah, blah" and all that stuff.

without ur support
where would i be?
lost n miserable
that's how i see me

you've given the courage
to live my life
the strengh and the will
to handle the strife

in my heart n soul
if u were not here
evrything in life
would be harder to bear

but knowing you're walking
this path at my side
though it is narrow
you make it seem wide

Thank you for what you did
You didn’t have to do it
I’m glad someone like you
Could help me to get through it



farahthechomelest said...

makcik!!!!..hehe..mekacih..ko pon congrats ngak ade peningkatan!..yeah..kiter bejaya this sem..who said we're not clever enough kn..only bos cinapek yg bodo 2 je !..benci giler..mampos ar sama itu cina..ehhehehhhe

~permata biru~ said...

huhu! hepi nampak! congrats munna. i no u can do it! munna rocks! yeah...

onnychubby said...

waaahhhhhhh...hepy nyer die
congrats 4 ur gud result (aftr reading all ur thank you wishes)
hopefully sem dpn result lg naik....(^_^)v ~peace~

muNNa said...

farahbimb2--> aku pon heran apsl la die xpuas hati sgt ngn ktee..aku rse sbb kte comel sgt laa..tu psl die xpuas hati asyek nak cr psl jee..maklomlaa die kn dah krepot..hak2!!

kid-->yup2..saye sungguh happy 4 me 2 yaa?

onnychuby-->u 2 sistaa! eyy..nak chubby mcm ko gakk!!

elme3elias said...

gratz munna...
thanx to u my result pun naik..
next sem u aja me dari awal ok?

muNNa said...

but ade cukai laa..
evry session must have baskin robin..lolipop..choc ball..n chiken wing..okehh? hiiii~

Syafiq Suraji said...

dat capik tu aku ker?... gettin a gud
feeling seyh...huhu

miss AinA~ said...

welcomey makcik..! congrats to0...! lame da bace tp xbkesempatan nk komen..~ bz2..~

syuhada saidi said...

u noe lil fwen yg tetibe jadi besar mmg pndaiii =)))