Tagged by S
Award rules :
1. Insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded.
2. Make sure u take the pic n said it is from.
3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.
4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the ones who follow you) and tell their names in your blog
5. Dont forget to go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged !!!
Awarded by:
Mohd Syafiq bin Suraji (btol ke tulis nme ko ni?? huhuu~)
10 facts or hobbies of mine:
1. im a female la of cos!!
2. same as S..TAKEN and NOT AVAILABLE..happy2 lalalaaaa~
3. so clumsy..so pelupee..so pemalas..so suke makan but x gemok2!!! duhhh!
4. suke melalak kat bilek air (just ask my sista n aina how merdu my voice is..hihiii~)
5.LOVE shopping but now tgh control myself not to be sooo shopaholic (yes i can do itt!!)
6.LOVE GOSS especially wif mia mummy n sista, my gogo's, S, aina, 2 org makcik gem, n shud n wan n tikaaa n n n..alaaaa..byk la plak knn
7.Love ice cream but hate chocholate!
8. suke tgk bintang..suke barefooting kt beach
9.xsuke LIPAS sgt3!!!!!
10.22 mEi is mia bdayyyy!! 1 mnggu je lg..mueheheeee~ tp dah msk 22..arghhhh!! so tuee! ( i'm having a panic attack!!) but..no wrry..age is just a number meyhh..ahaks!!
Dgn gewdiknye i mahu tagg:
2. Aina
4. Onny
4. Tika
5. Evrybodyy..hak2!!
btw, spell it correctly...
haha...its ok...forgivable...
weyh...ko da nk tua ek?...
lupa la kita sma 22...tp aku
muda sket la yer...huhu
alaaa..muhammad tsalah..
seb bek forgiven..hiiiii~
eleh..mude sket je pon..xheran..buwekk!!
aku igtkn ko ade crite psl mimpi ko kt blog..
tp xde pownnn..
beb,na tanye. who is shud?
ur other fwen?
bkn apa..i pon syud gak kan.
u la darling..
spe lggg..
dlm dunie ni i pgl u srg je syud..
giget kang!
i sgtlah berbangge!ahaha
BEB..HAPPY BURFDAY..22nd ait???
(unless u cheat dkt ur fs' details kannn.. =b)
mun,u've been tagged
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